Feb 24, 2023Liked by Lacey Delayne

An illness is an illness regardless if everyone has it. More of a chronic illness versus an acute illness. Our society is sick but we’re being manipulated into thinking what our experiences are “normal”. For example: trauma experiences for a lot of us are looked at as “normal”, like unhealthy familial or parental relationship, or addiction - drugs, alcohol, social media, shopping/spending money, etc. we’re being told it’s normal to go out and drink and party, it’s an experience. It’s considered “normal” for people to be in debt and to go into to debt for “happiness” - like vacations, gifts, etc. instead of being content and practicing contentment. I just took a very very long break from social media and now I’m back on it after months of being off of it.

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This is it, Bethany! You hit the nail on the head! We are being sold a bill of goods via the hypnotization that comes through modern media and social conditioning. There's a lot of trauma, abuse, dissociation and carelessness going on, and it's causing us pain. In an environment in which our human needs are considered more important, our natural tendency would be more towards collaboration, connection, acceptance, and enjoying each other, instead of seeing each other as the enemy, our competition, someone we have to be better than. And I love what you said about practicing contentment instead of needing "excitements" to feel happy. Joy is in the appreciation of the everyday. Loved reading your comment! Thank you for sharing!

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